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About What we do ~ Technique

The Empowerment Garden offers a wide range of techniques to assist clients in their journey to Wellness, Satisfaction and Success.


“Imago” Technique

(created by Dr. Hendrix )

involves you creating an image in your mind that consolidates all the traits of your primary childhood caretakers, both positive and negative. Your “Imago” becomes the template by which you select your partner, or “Imago match,” as an adult for an intimate partnership.”

This technique enables your partner to help you work through all your unresolved issues from childhood. Research shows it’s those same feelings of pain, frustration and anger carried over from childhood that unconsciously cause the pain and conflict in your adult relationships. “The trauma of childhood becomes the drama of adulthood.”

In “Imago” Relationship Therapy uses three steps couples can practice to help them communicate effectively and heal both past and present wounds: Mirroring, Validating, and Empathizing.

Cognitive Behavior Therapy (CBT) is a type of psycho therapeutic treatment that helps individuals and families to understate the thoughts and feelings that influence behaviors. CBT is commonly used to treat a wide range of disorders, including phobias, addiction, depression and anxiety. It has become increasingly popular in recent years with clients, therapist, and doctors. Because CBT is a short-term treatment option and focuses on helping clients learn how to identify and change destructive thought patterns that have a negative influence on you and your relationships.

Relationship and Trust Building is a valuable asset in every relationship. It is the cornerstone that shapes an individual’s ability to engage in a happy relationship.

Conflict Resolution is helpful when you typically respond unsuccessfully to situations where you seriously disagree with someone. If you get mad inside but keep quiet, withdraw to a safe distance because you don’t like to argue, get angry or criticize, just give in or deny or pretend that everything is okay.

Healthy and Effective Communication outside of the home, we express our thoughts, feelings and opinions to someone else, while they listen and reciprocate. In the home, communication takes on a much more personal level. When you communicate within your family, you can expect a listening ear that can gently soothe or an honest opinion to direct you on the right path.

Learned Helplessness or the absence of control and an inability to respond even though there are opportunities for an individual to help themselves and avoid unpleasant circumstances or gain positive rewards.

Power Struggles

or resistance in relation to low self-esteem is the result of a larger issue. It is distance and hostility that creates resentment, resistance, rebellion. This technique works to create closeness, trust, and cooperation within a safe learning environment – where fear of blame, shame or pain are moved using positive thoughts and positive actions.


 The LifeLine Technique®. (Created by Dr. Darren Weissman) This innovative technique heals through awareness. We are able to make a creative and logical decision, however choice only exists in the conscious mind. The subconscious mind represents what we do not recognize – it is in charge of all the major body functions ranging from heart rate, blood pressure, immunity, hormone balance, sugar metabolism, and detoxification. It’s also where emotions, memories and beliefs are stored that have not been processed.

Energy Healing is accomplished by understanding and adjusting your energy field. This force emanates from you and surrounds you and is often referred to as your aura. It is created by you through your thoughts, your emotions, your actions, your beliefs, and your experiences – forming your own unique signature. Negative forms of energy are picked up and collected throughout our day. It is gathered in the forms of Fear, Doubt, Anger, Judgment, Criticism, Blame and etc. The confidence building techniques we use at The Empowerment Garden make it possible for you to let go of this negative energy and to move toward harmony between your body, mind and soul.

Adjusting Chakras is done by opening or closing the specific path to create strength or decrease anxiety. Our chakras store energy and energy patterns. We can have energy patterns stored from events that happened any time during our life. Sometimes we stash the unhappy painful memories away deep into the recess of our Chakras, and try to forget about them, but they don’t really go away. Disease is a manifestation of unbalanced Energy. Clearing our storage centers will restore balance and health throughout our body, mind and relationships – returning balance to our life.

Spiritual Healing can be achieved through your personal search for the meaning of life, a sense of wholeness, a sense of knowing and a sense of the divine spirit within you.

Traditional Shaman Healing through expanding the realm of consciousness…the belief, the knowledge, and the experience that our physical senses is an illusion, a world of shadows, and that the three-dimensional tool we call our body serves only as a dwelling place for our divine spirit.

Mystic Healing bridges the connection between man to God – it reconnects God’s Wisdom, Love, and Compassion to man. This path is an internal journey through the space of our spirituality. No one may take this journey for us. The Empowerment Garden can help you understand the process of growth; involving the movement of consciousness from lower to higher levels of reality and the steady remaking of character in accordance with your divine spirit.

Human Design

is the newest self-awareness tool sweeping the globe - it reveals your life in remarkable detail based on your birth information. Created from a fusion of global information and systems both ancient and modern we are able to accurately detail the nature of what you are as a mechanism. It’s a way to accurately know who we are as individuals by measuring certain fixed mechanical aspects of ourselves about which we have no choice. Knowing and understanding these aspects allows a greater self-acceptance and a greater sense of peace about us and about others.

Human Design makes self-understanding and mastery available to you! We can help you discover how to move through your life creating successful outcomes in relationships and career! 

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